Wednesday 30 January 2008

Run with Billy

Arranged to collect my little niece and as I was going to Gareth’s I thought I would combine the outing with a run.
The reservoir is partly on the way to his with exception of a slight diversion.
So flask and butty made off I went.
From relative mild and dry weather along the coast, to the usual up at the reservoir.
As someone pointed out to me it’s fairly obvious why it was built there…it never stops bloody raining.
So me and Billy as in Billy no mates set off in wind and rain.
Ga was on a course so that’s the reason I was with Billy and collecting his daughter from school.
Saw one man and his dog walking, a slight diversion the winds had blown some trees down and the scenic shots were my views when I was caught short, I had my MP3 player on so having learnt from that poor girl chose by position well for advanced views of approaching persons.
Back to the car soaking hot chocolate and a butty and then off with time to spare to collect Rhiannon.
Swinging Blue lamp club with Sea Bass and fine beers and Welsh Malt Whisky!
Oh yes 10 minute miles so well chuffed!

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